hintly score

Always know who
to call next to close
more deals

With our proprietary AI model we will analyze your historic
CRM data and hundreds of external data points, to tell you
which leads are the most likely to become your next customer.

Maximize your revenue per sales rep by calling leads you know
will convert.

How hintly Score works

Analyzing customer data

Through our API we will extract your existing customer data. We do this so we can analyze patterns and enrich them with more information. The data is not shared with any other parties.

Data enrichment

Your customer data is enriched with more than 100.000 data points, to create a more comprehensive and detailed picture of your customer database and your ICP.

Hintly AI at work

The hintly AI platform finds patterns in the enriched customer data set and creates a data driven ICP of great detail. Subsequently, every lead is denoted with a “hintly score” from 1-100.

Delivering the score

We deliver the “hintly score” directly into your CRM,  as a property on the company record, so you  can sort leads by the score and target the best-fit

AI reinforcement

The AI-platform has a feedback loop integrated between your CRM and hintly. Each interaction with a prospect strengthens your hintly algorithm, giving you a constantly improved accuracy of your ICP.

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